Are there still any graves available for sale?
We are still able to provide traditional in-ground and ash interments. Prices include all applicable taxes and are subject to change. Please call the office at 204-667-9481 for current pricing.
Our current availability is as follows:
Columbarium Niches: Price includes 1st open/close and inscription
Henderson Gate Memorial Garden – 250 Niches Available (Price: $2,600 – $3,300.00)
Red River Memorial Garden – 130 Niches Available (Price: $3,250 – $4,000)
Section 14 – 15 Niches Available (Price: $2,400 – $3,300.00)
Cremation plots (Section 3B, 7C, 11E, 12):
Flat foot marker plots: Single $750/Double – $1,400.00
Upright monument plots: Double only – $1,800.00
Full Burial Plots:
Several hundred are available. Please contact the office for pricing and location.
What kind of maintenance services/programs are offered?
Annual programs
It depends on what is needed at a gravesite. Please call the office at 204-667-9481 for pricing.
Here are a few services we can offer annually:
Raise a Flat Footmarker – includes Gravel Base, Topsoil and Grass Seed
Plant and Water Flowers at Gravesite
Level Monuments
Level and Seed Graves
Take and Email a Digital Picture of Grave
Legacy Perpetual Care
Annual Inspection of the Gravesite
Flowers are Planted and Maintained for the Season
Gravesite is Leveled & Seeded when Needed
Flat Footmarker(s) Raised & Cleaned
By making a one-time payment of $800.00 for the first grave and $500.00 for each adjoining graves the above services will be conducted on your behalf for 10 years.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions not addressed on this page.